Saturday, December 12, 2009

Merry Christmas!

I hope you all have a great holiday season.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Frasier is 3 years old today! He had a bath yesterday so he'd be all handsome for today.

Happy Birthday to Frasier and the Calypso English Cocker Spaniel "E" Litter!!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Oh boy. Today is bath day! It is very difficult for me to get in "the zone" to groom dogs when it is pouring rain. It is suppose to be dry tomorrow, but I hate to put things off. Plus my brother and sister-in-law fly into town tomorrow! YAY! Enough whining.

I hope everyone has a great weekend.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I haven't posted here for so long that I almost forgot my password. It seems that when I am online I am on my Nutrisystem support group chatting or on Facebook. It has been a very good Summer. The dogs definitely did not get as much training as I had hoped they would. I have to check with the doggie school to see what is going to be offered for is her turn.

I had company for a week in August. There were up to 9 people here at times. I just have to say that Frasier and Paris were excellent! The beds, sofa, and floor had overnighters and the only thing I didn't like was Paris giving the person sleeping on the sofa a "facial" every morning. Ewww. However, the human involved refused to put a stop to it. Other than that, both dogs were Very Well Behaved!!

The dogs and I are busy doing fall chores. They are an awful lot of help. I was cutting back plants this afternoon and I wanted to share a few pictures I took. There is only one of Frasier. Um, er, well actually I took two of him, but his face needs to be clipped so I will only post one of them. I have been told to never ever share pictures of your dogs if they are not groomed, but since when have I done what I'm told? I'll just say that both dogs are clean and brushed, but no trimming has been done yet.



Monday, July 20, 2009

Frasier 2.5 yrs. Standing ON the new chair with feet ON the newly painted woodwork looking for birds so he can sneak outside and scare them.

Watching me water the flowers out in front of the house.

Paris 1 yr. Frasier 2.5 yrs

Paris 5 1/2 months

Paris fell asleep with a hoofie in her mouth. She is on my lap and boy did that stink.

She is 8 months old in this pic.

This picture was taken a few weeks after bringing Paris home.

Paris 2 1/2 months. Frasier 23 months.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Happy First Birthday to sweet Paris and the rest of her litter (the Calypso K litter)! And Happy First Birthday to the Calypso L litter too!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Frasier is on meds because of coughing and gagging so no Agility class tonight. Paris doesn't have whatever he has, but I didn't take her either. I really don't think he is contagious since Paris is ok, but the instructor made the final decision. The next session begins August 14. I am disappointed, but yet don't want any other animals to possibly get what Frasier has. Poop. Well, it was 90 degrees out, so maybe it's for the best??

Friday, June 19, 2009

Frasier graduated from Beginning Agility this evening!! YAY! The mom of a young girl in class took the following pictures of Frasier last week while we were practicing. He starts Intermediate Agility on July 3. The same evening, Paris starts Beginning Agility.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Agility class is so much fun! The new things learned last night were the 'table' and jumping through the 'V'. As soon as Frasier learns what is expected of him, he is right there doing it. The instructor set up 2 different short courses. Frasier did so well after the first run through on course #1 that the second time through he was not on a leash! YAY! :-) The funny part was that course #1 did not have the chute, however, the chute was beside the last object. Ole Frasier ran over to the chute and went through it! Course #2 was more difficult; it had the higher bridge, which is a bit intimidating at first. It also had 3 different jumps. All of those were things learned last week, which is the class we missed. He did very very well with course #2 also, but I just wasn't comfortable with him doing it off leash. Then we worked on the 'teeter' some more. I got some great advice from the instructor which helped a lot.

It took me about a year and a half to get my rear in gear with training classes. I am sorry it took so long, but I am grateful that I got 'the bug'.

UPDATE: I just found out that a Beginning Agility class begins June 26. On the same evening, an Intermediate Agility class begins. I'm hoping to take Paris to Beginning and Frasier to Intermediate. The only problem is that I will be out of town the first night. Hopefully that will not be an issue.

Monday, May 18, 2009



Friday, May 15, 2009

Agility Is In Progress!

Frasier is loving agility class. Tonight was the 2nd class. We learned the teeter-totter, weave poles, jumps, a tunnel with a turn, and the tire jump. He did all of it very well! The 1st class we learned the A-frame, bridge, tunnel, and the chute. Class is cancelled for next week, but we can still go and practice on the things we have learned. And then the next week, I will be out of town. Barb (the instructor) says missing the 3rd class won't be a problem, but I sure hate to miss a class. I'm not gonna give up 4 days in Vegas though!!

I am very glad I decided not to take Paris and try to train 2 dogs at the same time. A couple of other people are doing that and it looks way too confusing for my old brain. Plus since I'm new at agility I don't think it would be fair to the dogs!

Kelly...thank you very much for posting comments. It is nice knowing that Paris and Frasier's breeder is reading about how wonderful they are :-)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Left-Handed Scissors

WHEW! I have been attempting to get left-handed straight edge scissors and left-handed thinning scissors since last January. I groom the dogs myself and have been struggling with using right-handed scissors, holding them upside down! LOL! I needed the left-handed thinners the most. I didn't want to spend $400 for the thinners but it turns out that I should have. I spent way more than that when it comes to emotional output AND dollars. I ordered both pair online from the same company. I received the straight edge pair in less than a week. There was no invoice or paperwork so I called the phone number provided online. All calls go to the owner's cellphone. He emailed the invoice that day. He also told me that the thinners were on the way. YAY! Oh, and the charge was put on my credit card immediately. After emails and phone calls, on my part, the owner stopped communicating with me. I was even nice and did not yell or cuss. My last email was giving him a specific date to either refund the money or send the thinners. No response. I turned him over to the Better Business Bureau of Winston-Salem, NC. Funny thing; 14 days later the owner called AND emailed me that I should have the thinners by the end of that week. They did not arrive (of course). However, I received the thinners yesterday!!!! In the meantime I had ordered another pair from a different company. I should received them in the next few days. I ended up spending over $500 for thinning scissors. *sigh* I have probably ordered hundreds of items online over the years. This experience has been the worst I have ever gone through. I am wondering what I learned and I am looking for the silver lining. I am also thanking God that the experience is over.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Frasier Is Awesome

Frasier's six-week Rally Obedience class ended on Saturday. The change in him is unbelievable. He started whining when it was time to go to class. He was excited. The instructor set up a course for the final day. I'm not sure but I think it had 10 different items. Frasier was right there with me and even did the Moving Down perfectly. On our 3rd turn the instructor told me to try it without a leash on Frasier! I almost fainted. She said keep up the confidence and do not act like he doesn't have a leash. Needless to say, my boy went through the course like butter. I so wish that Kelly and Robin could have seen it. I have the palmcorder that I purchased 'for the dogs' but of course I left it at home with a dead battery! The instructor told us that if we would've been at an AKC sanctioned event, he would've gotten his first leg! YIPEEEE. Beginning Agility starts Friday evening. I was going to take both dogs, but after talking to Robin about it I think Paris may be too young. Her bones aren't developed yet. I have a little agility course kit I purchased last year and maybe I'll work with her on that at home.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Exciting Times On The Farm

It's hard to know where to begin. Spring is here. The grass is turning green. We are finally getting some warm weather.

As most of you know, my neighbor and good friend, Valerie, was diagnosed with breast cancer last November. She underwent a mastectomy with reconstruction on March 2. I can't even begin to express how much of an inspiration she has been to me. Tomorrow is the Susan Komen Race For The Cure in Spokane. And just 6.5 weeks out from surgery, Valerie is going to participate in the 1 mile walk. I am absolutely honored to be walking with her.

I have such a big mouth that some of you will be surprised to find that you hadn't heard that I am on a quest to lose 60 pounds. I just have been so ashamed of myself that I haven't told a lot of people; probably out of fear of failing. I joined Nutrisystem and started the program January 20. For the first time in YEARS I am eating healthy and I feel wonderful. I am even exercising, which will shock ALL who read this!!! And so far I have lost 22 pounds. YAY! I have been taught not to be proud, but I am proud of myself.

OHHHHH....and on Monday a team (3 women) is coming to put color on the walls of my house! This home has needed painting for quite some time, however, I hate hate hate to paint and I can't seem to pick paint with more color than off-white. These ladies came last Friday for a consultation, and it's gonna be beautiful when they are done. They are also going to assist me in choosing new furniture.

This blog is suppose to be about Frasier and Paris, so........
Frasier had his 4th session today in Rally Obedience. He is thriving in class, so eager and darn near perfect. We participated in 2 different courses today. Several times, after our turn on the course, I yelled, jumped, and ran clapping my hands with excitement. He was racing with me and so very happy. The instructor commented on the positive vibes traveling along the leash from dog to human. It was so wonderful that class went over by 30 minutes! I think that you will only understand this if you have trained with a dog. It is a 6-week class and ends on May 2.
Frasier AND Paris are starting a Beginning Agility class on May 8. WOO HOO. I could not decide which dog to take to the class and the instructor suggested that I split the class between the dogs. I'll see how that goes.
Have a great week everyone.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Frasier Starts School

It is now Frasier's turn to go to school. It is a six-week class held on Saturday afternoons. We have been to 2 classes. Frasier learns things quickly and is very eager to please. But then aren't all English Cockers? I have to be extremely careful when working with him. If I show any sign of impatience or stress, Frasier feeds right off of me. He shakes and things just go bad for him. Kelly, Paris & Frasier's breeder, suggested that I read a book written by Tamar Geller, "The Loved Dog". I was lucky enough to receive the book 2 days before the 2nd training class. It is wonderful and packed full of ideas and suggestions. My friend, Robin, also told me to lighten up :-). So, I cooked a chicken breast, worked on MY attitude, off we went to our 2nd class this past Saturday. The difference was incredible. Frasier and I had fun. YAY Frasier!!!

Doesn't everyone have goofy names they call their dogs? I know Kelly has blogged about this in the past. Oh, and Robin has goofy names for her crew too. We can't be the only ones! I named Paris after Paris, France. Then I started calling her P. France. She wiggles her tail like crazy! Then I am ashamed to confess that I started calling her P.P. Oh my gosh...wiggle, wiggle. I will end the story by telling you that P.P. changed to Pee Pee LaPew. *wiggle wiggle*

I love it when I look outside and see Frasier and Paris side-by-side. They are best friends. Earlier today I looked outside and they had discovered a piece of carpet just the right size in a spot of sun. :-) The picture follows.

Pee Pee LaPew and Frashey

Monday, March 23, 2009

Company for Dinner

I was shocked when I walked into the kitchen and Paris was sitting AT the kitchen table! She just sat there like she was waiting for dessert.
Had a delivery about 10 days ago.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

New Photos

Here are pictures taken after Frasier and Paris had baths today. These are also Paris's 8-month photos since she will be 8 months old on Tuesday. I also had a great video of them 'singing' together but I accidentally deleted it. It shouldn't be a problem getting a new video of the duet.


Best Friends

This picture is a few weeks old. They are being guard dogs and watching for any movement out in front of the house.
I showed this blog to a very good friend recently. Her comment was, "You need to get a life". I have been processing and chewing on that statement. The dogs are a huge part of my life and so I have the blog! I'm thinking that only dog people understand!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Webster's Definition of Prolific

This is Webster's definition of Prolific:

"marked by abundant inventiveness or productivity"

It is also my definition of Paris' chewing. I thought our first Afghan Hound, Yassie, chewed a lot, but Paris is PROLIFIC.

She chews Kongs and poops them out. Bully sticks are like a nice, soft plush toy. Also to be pooped out. The real hard and difficult-to-chew toys aren't worth messing with. Did I mention how cute she is? Rope toys are made for her to eat and poop out. Nylabones are so boring that she just looks at them, looks at me, and says "grrrrrrr" with a smile. Boy is she a cutie. Have I mentioned the corner of my kitchen cupboard is chewed? Have I mentioned that she also chewed two corners of my baseboards? I thought she was being a good girl laying/lying in the doorway between the kitchen and dining room chewing on a toy. Nope.

Kelly & Jennifer: Are you laughing? I think you are because you own Paris' ancestors and you've been through this. And I KNOW that Robin and Jeff are laughing. No wonder I have a headache. I can't remember if I mentioned how much I love Paris and how cute she is.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Family Dog Class & Rally Novice

The six-week training class ended today. Paris did very well, especially considering that I don't work with her at home as much as I should. We did two things at class today that really made me nervous! The first was to tell Paris to sit and stay. Then I walked away about 30-40 feet. Then I said "Paris, Come" and as she started towards me the instructor had the other classmates call and try to entice Paris to go to them and not me. She hesitated a tiny bit but then she came right to me! YAY. The second time around there was no hesitation at all. The second thing we did was to drop our dog's leash on the floor, walk to the door, and open it. Then the person was to back off and see if the dog bolted out the door. Paris kept looking up at me and just stood at the doorway. Another YAY. Here is the proof that we finished the Family Dog Class. I am proud of my puppy!

A six-week Rally Novice class begins March 21. First I decided to take Paris, but I have changed my mind and Frasier and I are going to go to Rally Novice. He has not been socialized enough. I believe that Rally Novice will give him confidence. When I was at Kelly's house (the breeder of both dogs) last fall, she took Frasier for a couple of minutes to show me a few obedience things. He really responded quickly. I think it will be good for him.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Cranky Day

The human in the house is extremely cranky today. The fog is so thick I can't see the far end of my pasture. It has been drizzling and raining since yesterday afternoon. I spent a couple of hours grooming Frasier yesterday and he immediately went outside and acted like he was on a NASCAR track; he was as wet as when he had a bath. The dogs need a walk but I don't particularly want to go out in the fog and rain. waa waa waa This is such a juvenile entry.

Training class went very well Saturday. I am about a week behind on working with Paris on specific subjects though. Thank you to Kelly for the advice on 'downs'. The instructor asked if any of us were having problems with 'come' and 'down' and I was one of many who raised their hand. So the instructor took her and Paris was PERFECT. I felt like an idiot. Then we started working on random sits. Paris likes that. We only have one more class left. I am hoping that we can immediately start another class the following week.

A friend and her son came over yesterday. I thought it would be a great test for what both dogs have learned. Holy cow! Both dogs went absolutely wild. I have no excuse for Frasier because he is 2+ years old. The excuse for Paris is that she is 7 months old. The excuse for the pack leader is mind. At least they had fun?

It is suppose to rain all week. I am going shopping tomorrow!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

New Purchase For The Dogs.....!

Oh man, I really do need to stay away from QVC. I have no self control when I see "Electronics" on the guide. The first time was when I just knew that I needed a GPS device. So I get the GPS and as you all know I never go anywhere.

Ok...last week I see "Electronics" and go to the channel. This purchase is for the dogs.. uh huh. I received it today and can't wait for the battery to charge. It is a Panasonic palmcorder (camcorder) that can be held in the palm. It has an internal 60 GB hard drive and also a slot for a SD card. And folks a 50x optical zoom....FIFTY. Records still pictures. Image stabilizer button...blah blah blah. The dogs will love it. Anything for the dogs.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Spay, Training, & Being The Only Dog

Paris was spayed a couple of days ago. She is recuperating very quickly! Frasier got to be the only dog for a day and a half. It seemed that he really really enjoyed it and soaked in all of the attention. I had bought him a new plush toy for the occasion and a new hoofie. He romped around for about 3 minutes with each new toy. He mostly just wanted to be with me. When I brought Paris home, he lit up! It was obvious that he loves Paris. That made me feel good. I do need to add that I got him a new plush toy because Paris has de-stuffed every one of his toys, and he must've had 15 to 20 of them. The only toys left are the hard rubber ones. Anyway, both doggies are happy to be back together. I am happy that Paris is spayed.

Paris is still in training class. We have three more classes. I am having a bit of trouble getting her to learn the "down" position. She puts her front down but keeps her bottom up. The building the class is in has a dirt floor so we'll work on that after her stitches come out.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Paris' Spay Postponed

Paris will be spayed on Feb 10. I was walking out the door to take her to the clinic this morning when I received a call asking if it could be postponed. The clinic was slammed with emergency patients. Paris had been wondering where breakfast was! She went nutso when I got her snood out! heheh

Saturday, January 31, 2009

I Want Another Bath

This picture was taken the day after her bath and some trimming. I used the big doggie dryer too. I can't believe she wants another bath. What a character.


Friday, January 30, 2009

Bath time!

I just have to share how crazy Paris is. She cracks me up. Bath day is nuts around here and I only have 2 dogs. I have learned the hard way that while bathing Frasier I need to crate Paris. If I don't crate her, she stands on her hind legs with her front feet on my shoulder and stares into the tub. If I give her half a chance, she jumps into the tub with Frasier. at least I have remembered to crate her. Her latest is that every time I walk down the hallway Paris races past me, into the bathroom, and jumps in the tub. Then she looks at me, ready for her bath. She LOVES it. Another thing she does is while Frasier is on the grooming table, Paris wants up with him. She puts her front feet up on the table, Frasier growls at her, then I tell her "off". Then she lays down on the floor and watches my every move. I've never had a dog like that. It doesn't seem as funny in writing, guess you need to be here. So long....time to bathe Paris!


Paris's training class has been cancelled for this Saturday. How disappointing! We've gotten a great start and I hate to go 2 weeks between classes. However, her teacher had a scheduling conflict and I certainly understand.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Time For Surgery

Little Paris has a big surprise next Monday morning. I'll be taking her to get spayed in the morning. I have the option of bringing her home Monday afternoon, but since she and Frasier play so much I will probably let her stay until Tuesday. It is going to be very quiet around here!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

A Good Week

I hope everyone had a good week. I've had 2 good weeks. As you all know, I am a person who worries a lot unnecessarily; that is just what I do :-) I worry about my mom being alone in her house, especially since she goes up and down her basement stairs numerous times a day. Well, my brother and his wife were in town for about 10 days (stayed with mom) and I felt like I was on vacation! And I never left town!! I went to a spa and had a manicure and my eyebrows waxed. I returned to the spa 2 days later and had a great haircut, color and foil. I kinda look like a calico cat. The spa was a wonderful treat. Thank you to my sister-in-law, Annie, for showing me how great Spa Paradiso is!!

I was able to work with Paris on what she is learning at training class. As the teacher told me yesterday "she is doing awesome". It is fun watching Paris figure things out. I don't know why but she was pretty whiney during class yesterday. Insecurity? I have also been able to work with Frasier here at home. He is remembering what he learned last year and doing great. And, of course, that means I get double the walks! Since it's only been in the 20's we walk fast. Good exercise too.



I hope you all have a great week.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Training Class

Paris is now in a regular training class. It is a six week session and her first class was yesterday afternoon. There are 11 other dogs in her class. She is the cutest and the best. Yesterday we worked on having our dog walk next to us...NOT AHEAD. I am the pack leader...not Paris. She also learned to sit at my side when I stop walking; she picked up on that very fast. We also worked on her not bolting out of an open door. She was on a leash, I opened the door, and she went out the door. So I say "no", pull her back and say "come". The second time I opened the door, she just stood there and looked up at me. The instructor asked if we had worked on that at her private lesson 2 days earlier. I said "No...she is an english cocker!"

When this session is done, I want to take her to a Rally class. Then I will take Frasier to the class Paris is currently taking. Frasier had private lessons only last year and I really think he will do better in a class with other animals.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Paris Goes To School

Paris did incredibly well yesterday at training class. It was her very first class! We had over an hour of private, individual attention and boy did she respond. She loves it. Tomorrow we begin a six-week class with about 10 other dogs. Being with other dogs and humans will be best for her. The private lessons are best for me and this isn't about me.

The following picture is one of my favorites. Paris is only abut 2 1/2 months old. She is thinking about going up to the fence to 'meet' Percy. And Percy could not care less!!

I have been very impressed at how Frasier has adapted to having another dog in the house. He is so patient with Paris. He is actually a little too submissive but that is just the way he is. He is so sweet. He reminds me of my cream Afghan Hound 'Cosmo' so much that sometimes I call him 'Cosmo'. I'm hoping that in the spring I can have both dogs in training class. It will be good for me too!

So that Frasier gets equal time, here is a picture of him trying to see what's going on out in front of the house!

Monday, January 12, 2009


Paris starts training class on Thursday, January 15! Or should I say we start training class? I'm sure she will do extremely well. I've arranged private lessons for now. We may go to a regular class later.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

I have not been fair to Paris

Ok..I realize that I have not been fair to Paris. She is a normal lively puppy. The reason Frasier was so perfect is that he was almost a year old when I got him! I missed out on all the puppy stuff with him. I am living the puppy stuff with Paris. She makes me laugh. I am going to try to put a little video with this post to show you how funny she is. It is a video from a few months ago but it will show you how entertaining she is. Of course, it doesn't take much to entertain me. Oh, and on a previous post I blamed Paris for Frasier being up on the bush and snow. Well, he did follow her up! I was walking back to the house from the barn and looked up and she was up there all alone. Next thing I knew, he was with her. So, she is broadening his horizons. I just don't want to give the impression that Paris is horrible. She is a wonderful puppy. I also have to admit and let you all know that the things that happen that are upsetting with a new puppy are always the owner's fault!! For instance, when I discovered that Paris had eaten a sponge the other day, it was my fault. I had left the sponge on the edge of the bathtub and I had also left the bathroom door open. Don't worry; all is well. The sponge "passed" without surgical assistance or screaming. The whole experience was not Paris's fault. I was not paying proper attention. I hope the video loads properly. Enjoy. (It's cuter with sound.)

Friday, January 9, 2009

YAY - We have snow!

Here they are. Up on top of the snow that is on top of the bush! Frasier is fascinated with the window wells and they are both looking down into a window well. Frasier would never climb up on the snow and bushes by himself. I just know that he followed Paris up there!

Is Paris chasing Frasier?

Help! The yard is gone.

Paris's first winter.

First Post!

I love my English Cocker Spaniels so much that I decided that I should blog about them. I got Frasier, Calypso's Elixir of Youth, on August 25, 2007. He was almost 10 months old and had been returned to the breeder by his first owner. It was only 2 1/2 weeks after my 14 year old Afghan Hound died. Frasier saved my life! He was the perfect puppy for me. He is still perfect. He never dug, chewed, or caused problems. Then I got Paris, Calypso Kiss 'n Tell, on September 12, 2008. She was 8 weeks old. She is a hellion! Most of my family and friends think she is good for me because she keeps me on the go. Paris chews everything she can get her mouth around. She digs through snow and dirt. She is so cute that I have only been angry at her once! They are both red in color. They are extremely smart and active. Paris is definitely going to go to school. Frasier attended a few times last year and I couldn't believe how quickly he learns. I will take both of them to school in 2009.
We recently received 77.8 inches of snow. Both dogs absolutely love the snow. Paris brings ice and snow into the house to eat...she races past me like she has a bundle of gold and heads for the doggy bed in the living room to munch.
Those of you who know me well know that I haven't driven in snow and ice for 2 years. This has nothing to do with the dogs, but I need to put it in writing that I am driving this year! I have 2 great vehicles; both are 4-wheel drive. The Envoy has studded snow tires and handles perfectly. I'm sure the truck would too, but it just has all-season tires. Ohhh yeah. I feel like I am living again. Oh what a feeling.

Frasier - Calypso's Elixir of Youth

Paris - Calypso Kiss 'n Tell