Paris did incredibly well yesterday at training class. It was her very first class! We had over an hour of private, individual attention and boy did she respond. She loves it. Tomorrow we begin a six-week class with about 10 other dogs. Being with other dogs and humans will be best for her. The private lessons are best for me and this isn't about me.
The following picture is one of my favorites. Paris is only abut 2 1/2 months old. She is thinking about going up to the fence to 'meet' Percy. And Percy could not care less!!

I have been very impressed at how Frasier has adapted to having another dog in the house. He is so patient with Paris. He is actually a little too submissive but that is just the way he is. He is so sweet. He reminds me of my cream Afghan Hound 'Cosmo' so much that sometimes I call him 'Cosmo'. I'm hoping that in the spring I can have both dogs in training class. It will be good for me too!
So that Frasier gets equal time, here is a picture of him trying to see what's going on out in front of the house!

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