The six-week training class ended today. Paris did very well, especially considering that I don't work with her at home as much as I should. We did two things at class today that really made me nervous! The first was to tell Paris to sit and stay. Then I walked away about 30-40 feet. Then I said "Paris, Come" and as she started towards me the instructor had the other classmates call and try to entice Paris to go to them and not me. She hesitated a tiny bit but then she came right to me! YAY. The second time around there was no hesitation at all. The second thing we did was to drop our dog's leash on the floor, walk to the door, and open it. Then the person was to back off and see if the dog bolted out the door. Paris kept looking up at me and just stood at the doorway. Another YAY. Here is the proof that we finished the Family Dog Class. I am proud of my puppy!

A six-week Rally Novice class begins March 21. First I decided to take Paris, but I have changed my mind and Frasier and I are going to go to Rally Novice. He has not been socialized enough. I believe that Rally Novice will give him confidence. When I was at Kelly's house (the breeder of both dogs) last fall, she took Frasier for a couple of minutes to show me a few obedience things. He really responded quickly. I think it will be good for him.
I think you and Frasier will LOVE rally!!!!