Monday, January 25, 2010

Thursday, January 14, 2010

School Update!!

Paris starts Prep School on February 6.

Frasier starts Finishing School on February 15.

They will be attending a new school so I will probably be more nervous. There are a lot of classes available at the new school so I hope for more continuity. Both dogs will be working towards their Canine Good Citizen titles.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

After what I've blogged about my dogs and their personalities, wouldn't you think that if I walked into my kitchen and there was a dog ON my kitchen table that it would be Paris?? Nope. Wrong. It was Frasier. Perfect Frasier. Picture on camera will eventually be posted on here.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year. This will be the first year in my adult life that I am setting "goals". Not resolutions!

1) I want to get to my goal weight. I've lost 48 lbs, and I have 12 lbs left. It has been slow losing lately because of the holidays.

2) I must get more exercise. I am searching for an exercise that I like. I have started running on the treadmill and so far it has my attention! I'll run outside when winter is over. Paris is completely fascinated by the treadmill. She sits right next to it and watches the belt go by! Frasier could not care less; he races back upstairs to be on the lookout for birds.

3) The dogs need more training. The facility where we went last year is great, but in order to get more classes in, it will have to be private lessons. I want them in a class situation, so am considering a different facility.

What are your goals for the year 2010?