Monday, September 20, 2010

Fall training has begun! Frasier will be going to Novice Obedience on Mondays. Paris is enrolled in Rally Obedience on Thursdays. Frasier loved his first class. I think the treats help! Paris missed her first class because I had to be out of town for a few days. I am thinking about training both of them in Rally Obedience next session. Regular obedience isn't my cup of tea; too precise for me!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Frasier came to live in my home 3 years ago today. He changed my life!!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Paris passed the AKC Canine Good Citizen (CGC)test last night. I am very proud of her. We have been training for several months. The dog has to pass 10 skills. If one of the skills is not passed, the dog flunks the entire test. Paris is now Calypso Kiss 'N Tell CGC.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

These are more camping pictures that Robin took.





Saturday, July 17, 2010

Thursday, July 15, 2010

We went camping and had a blast! Frasier and Paris also got to go swimming. Other than going to training classes and when I drove 280 miles to get Paris, almost 2 years ago, it was their first trip away from home. Below are a few pictures.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Frasier has had his last Advanced Agility class until June 7, when another session starts up. I wish the session would have ended a week earlier; it would have been on a more positive note! I totally messed him up and it showed in his performance. I have to remember to have FUN....don't get too serious! Sheesh.

Paris' 8-week Beginning Home Companion class ended last night. Her Certificate of Completionn is already framed and on the wall in the grooming room. She also had perfect attendance! Her Advanced Home Companion session doesn't start until the week of June 28. It seems that dogs get a summer break.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

It is very hard to describe how much fun I am having training my dogs. They are extremely responsive and easy to train. Paris is thriving in obedience. She absolutely loves 'school'. The drive takes about 25 minutes and she is in her crate 'mumbling' the entire drive. When Frasier and I first started advanced agility, I felt like we were both in too deep. However, he has made huge strides of improvement. Last night I actually had 2 people comment that I obviously am working with him during the week....that's not true! He is just learning and loving it week to week. Training classes do take a chunk of my time, but it is so worth it.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Paris had her first training class last Wednesday and she did good! She will definitely benefit from the socialization. She is quick to learn so will do well. Frasier had his first advanced agility class last night. He loved it! I'm the one who messes up! I get focused on him and then can't remember where I'm suppose to go. Sheesh. The instructor tells me that will come with practice. haha

Thursday, April 1, 2010

This is going to be a busy Spring!

FRASIER: Frasier starts Advanced Agility classes on Monday April 12. I will probably keep him in Advanced Agility for a few months.

PARIS: Paris starts a Beginning Obedience class on Wednesday April 7. She starts Beginning Agility on Friday June 11.

THE PACK LEADER: Cori meets with her Personal Trainer every Tuesday. She works on Mondays and Wednesdays. Plus takes the dogs to classes and trains them. And will try to go to the gym 3 days a week.


Saturday, March 27, 2010

FINALLY! I have finally found a natural chew for Paris. Deer antlers! They don't stink, smell, or splinter. My sister-in-law took me to a doggie store while I was in Southern California last week. I mentioned to the owner that I have a prolific chewer and that I hate giving her nylabones. The owner told me about deer antlers, so I bought a 7 inch long piece. So far, Paris loves it. It's also ok to get them naturally; when the deer shed the antlers. Try to make sure the antler hasn't been laying out in the sun for an extended period of time though. sells them too.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Someone got a haircut. I think I hate it, and I did it to her. I ruined my little girl. Or, does she look like a puppy? She sure acts like a puppy.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The new training facility did not work out. The trainer seemed ok, however, the facility was very small. There wasn't any room to work the dogs. There were a couple of nasty dogs in Paris' class which made it impossible to even hear instructions. If you did hear instructions, there was no room to move around. I did take Paris to 2 classes. I left the 2nd class very anxious because I was fearful of one of the dogs! When I took Frasier to his class, it was worse. I do realize that everyone is there to learn. Frasier's class was an advanced class and not one person had control over their dog. It was "Finishing School". The dog on our left wanted to kill Frasier. The dog on the right had a muzzle on. There were 12 dogs in a small space. Class started at 6:00 pm. I had gotten my check back and was in my car at 6:01 pm. I would not recommend the place to anyone.

I have not given up! Next I will try Spokane Dog Trainers. The humans go and register on March 31. The trainers will all be there and help decide which class best suits each dog. Then the dogs start school the first week in April.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Good evening. I hope everyone is having a great weekend.

Paris and I started school today. I really like the new trainer! The facility is very small. It seems this session is on clicker training. Then we go on to other classes to acquire her Canine Good Citizen title. We may have to go somewhere else for Rally O. I will say that the socialization alone was great for Paris.

Have a blessed Sunday.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Thursday, January 14, 2010

School Update!!

Paris starts Prep School on February 6.

Frasier starts Finishing School on February 15.

They will be attending a new school so I will probably be more nervous. There are a lot of classes available at the new school so I hope for more continuity. Both dogs will be working towards their Canine Good Citizen titles.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

After what I've blogged about my dogs and their personalities, wouldn't you think that if I walked into my kitchen and there was a dog ON my kitchen table that it would be Paris?? Nope. Wrong. It was Frasier. Perfect Frasier. Picture on camera will eventually be posted on here.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year. This will be the first year in my adult life that I am setting "goals". Not resolutions!

1) I want to get to my goal weight. I've lost 48 lbs, and I have 12 lbs left. It has been slow losing lately because of the holidays.

2) I must get more exercise. I am searching for an exercise that I like. I have started running on the treadmill and so far it has my attention! I'll run outside when winter is over. Paris is completely fascinated by the treadmill. She sits right next to it and watches the belt go by! Frasier could not care less; he races back upstairs to be on the lookout for birds.

3) The dogs need more training. The facility where we went last year is great, but in order to get more classes in, it will have to be private lessons. I want them in a class situation, so am considering a different facility.

What are your goals for the year 2010?