Agility class is so much fun! The new things learned last night were the 'table' and jumping through the 'V'. As soon as Frasier learns what is expected of him, he is right there doing it. The instructor set up 2 different short courses. Frasier did so well after the first run through on course #1 that the second time through he was not on a leash! YAY! :-) The funny part was that course #1 did not have the chute, however, the chute was beside the last object. Ole Frasier ran over to the chute and went through it! Course #2 was more difficult; it had the higher bridge, which is a bit intimidating at first. It also had 3 different jumps. All of those were things learned last week, which is the class we missed. He did very very well with course #2 also, but I just wasn't comfortable with him doing it off leash. Then we worked on the 'teeter' some more. I got some great advice from the instructor which helped a lot.
It took me about a year and a half to get my rear in gear with training classes. I am sorry it took so long, but I am grateful that I got 'the bug'.
UPDATE: I just found out that a Beginning Agility class begins June 26. On the same evening, an Intermediate Agility class begins. I'm hoping to take Paris to Beginning and Frasier to Intermediate. The only problem is that I will be out of town the first night. Hopefully that will not be an issue.